It was a great weekend spent in home! every evening whenever I am home, I like joining the discussions with the 'old lads' and youth at the shops near home, call them small separate bars. the 'old lads' (guys of my grand fathers and fathers age) will forever ask me to contribute a fee to their days liquor! I don't know if its right or wrong to offer small notes to them for this. they forever expect me to buy for them some whenever I am around, they somehow make it my responsibility by way of convincing me so more often than not, I will spend just UGX 5,000= on the evening that I have to join them and one can read the appreciation on the faces. I do not taste liquor my self and I always feel that its wrong to buy alcohol but I somehow commit the offence of my conscience and go away with it. Whet do you do to such lads?
That a side, the discussion at the bars this weekend was mostly around politics, women and money.
Politics: ngu Amama and Museveni nibamanyana..they are just confusing us the voters. Ngu Amama is wise, he has bought all the foreign currency (essente zamahanga gaheeru) from Uganda and he is trotting the outside countries. By his actions, the USD has lost value. ngu Amama has an army and if Museveni is not careful he will start a war..Tokureba okwarikugambisa amaani, aine ekyarikwesiga.. etc ectc
Local Politics & Religion: ''Ebyokurwanisa Bishop bitutamire..." Omuntu atemba ekituti kyekanisa kwanika Bishop?.. "kwonka Katonene nawe nomusheija mubi munoga!" The impact of the conflict between the Bishop and his flock is great at the local church. "mbwenu abaana oburonde baburugireho?" Tihakiriho kutebwaho?'' Those who have stood the fight against the Bishop seam to have an upper hand in contesting the upcoming political elections.
Local Politics & Religion: ''Ebyokurwanisa Bishop bitutamire..." Omuntu atemba ekituti kyekanisa kwanika Bishop?.. "kwonka Katonene nawe nomusheija mubi munoga!" The impact of the conflict between the Bishop and his flock is great at the local church. "mbwenu abaana oburonde baburugireho?" Tihakiriho kutebwaho?'' Those who have stood the fight against the Bishop seam to have an upper hand in contesting the upcoming political elections.
Women: ngu "abakazi nibo barikutegyeka Uganda hati.." owenguuto nomukazi, owemishooro nomukazi, owamajuta na oil nomukazi, orikutegyeka kampala momukazi, nangwa na AWIST erugireho orutaro na Katonene netegekwa omukazi" hahah this was a killer from an old Kajabago ka Rubanda! He added: ''go to Kabwohe and count how many cars are driven by women Vs those driven by men! That was his analysis!
Money: Apparently fewer homesteads have coffee in our place because of the "infamous Toduura disease" I was educated that the disease attained its name from its nature of being not discrimitave..toduura! The money discussions centered around, the current good price of coffee, matooke, cattle and Boda Boda. In fact serious youth in boda boda business seam to be doing well. The SACCOs have also had their way. People are using them!
I liked the discussions this weekend but came along thinking: Will the ultimate measure of a choosing any leader in Sheema District be the contending leaders stand and effort to the fight against Katonene?