Sometime last year, I had resolved to come over at least once in a week to share something on work ethic. But I failed. I have been very busy of late. Somehow, things to be done continue to pile. A day passes and I only realize that I didn't accomplish all on my to-do-list. One morning, I will stop doing this list of thngs to do in a day. I will just hadle things as they come and at the end of the day go home not to remember anything until the next day. This must happen soon.
But that's not the story. It is here. I met a long time lost friend, she had great stories for me. You know those stories that date way back in time. This is a particular friend that I met way back after campus. We walked together a jouney to work. Yes we walked on foot to work. If this sounds funny, then you just dont know how cool it is to pray along the paths! Every nice vehicle that passes, you take, every nice perfume of someone waiting on the road for taxi, you take, and other things you will find. Some things like dead dogs. You walk passed them. So we walked, we prayed, we wished, we had great shoes that liked dust.
Just before the end of my friend's stories, she told me one that bothered me. She was angry with her colleague at work. She was mad at a 'former friend'. Apparently, the colleague was recently promoted to deputize the head. The promotion had worked upon the colleague in tremendous ways. She acts funny. She wears higher hills. she is alway early at work. she had cut off all the yummy gossip! She nolonger posta regulary on the staff WhatsApp group.
the character part aside, the colleague had changed the targets. She had set tough targets. She had also proposed some changes such as bio metric check in at work every morning. The colleague had lobbied a food supplier, contracted so that staff can have meals around the work place. This had 'killed' the walk out at lunch and break. But worst of all according to her, the colleague had introduced a scheduled annual leave system that auto calculates leave days taken. This means no more extra leave days thefts.
Somehow, the ED and HR Manager believed that these changes are cool. But this was detrimental to 'our freedom'. So my long lost friend is very angry. In fact she is a bitter woman of late. I met her with her 5 year daughter. they had branched to have some mashed potatoes at a cafe near a huge supermarket. I had branched off to gaze and classy people too. After all the stories, the gal told me "... my Mamie is not happy these days....even the gate man at school knows...she hoots so hard every morning..." Now, I don't want to imagine what the husband to my long lost friend would say. It must be interesting for him. I mean really. How do you sleep with a pissed of woman ?
Friend, you can avoid that bag of emotion at work. Take work for what it is supposed to be and live a life. Choose to play along. Yes act along! Respecting the legally instituted laws is the trick. Don't pretend. Face the facts. Regardless of anything, the work environment is evolving. At sometime, you will find new things that will call you out of your comfort zone. Come on, take a glass of warm water each morning, say a prayer, hug your husband goodbye and side kiss your daughter at the gate of her school. Take time to visit a long lost friend on a weekend, get to church on Sunday. Don't miss that mid week fellowship. Call your husband to a simple date on Sunday evening to boost energy levels to face Monday. On Monday early morning, shout out loudly in your bathroom and say...come on new week, its me and you here..lets roll! Do you have some cool music on flash disk ? Throw it along the way as you drive to work!

My friend, don't let your job be your life. To angry is to be alive but not that anger overshadows life!
Reply emails and work stuff in the most cool way. Don't keep a lot for tomorrow. Did I ever say this sometime ago, some rules, people and procedures at work will try to piss you off. Chose to be cool. I mean no need to keep quiet, reply in utmost love to every detail.
All the best!